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Table of Contents

Acknowledgements and Special Thanks

Special thanks to those who inspired, pushed, or otherwise helped in the accumulation of the information for these documents


A general and open introduction and account of my personal discovery and quest into this amazing and emerging technology


A brief history, overview and pertinent relationship of Rife technology and the Rife microscope as well as some thoughts on the preceding environment and science of the time.

Disclaimer & Notices

Important medical disclaimers, copyright notices, authorizations, and pertinent notifications.

Other Devices

Although not specifically Rife devices, an examination of several specific available devices are helpful in a fuller understanding of Rife technology.

Basic Rife Types

A very general overview of the basic functional components of the various rife device types, how they are similar, and how they are different and the relationships and uses of the components from a technical perspective.

Tube Types & Considerations

A general discussion of Rife tube features, types, and considerations when selecting a tube for your personal needs and research.

Frequency Generation

A discussion of frequency generation, device types, waveform characteristics and components, considerations and acceptable alternatives.

Rife Session

A general discussion re garding various technical considerations when giving one's self a Rife session. (Presented as a downloadable PDF).


A general collection of Rife related and software (both freeware and shareware) specifically helpful to the Rife researcher and experimenter

Frequencies Lists

Construction Details

This chapter extensively detailed consturction suggestions and considerations through the use of many notes, photographs, and illustrated diagrams.

Questions & Answers

A short list of commonly asked general questions regarding Rife technology

Articles of Interest

Many of the Articles referenced within the book are available here or via listed URL links.

Reference Material


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